Friday, October 24, 2008

To New Beginnings

So today was my last day at work. I'm pretty excited to start something new! Tonight me & a bunch of people from work are going to Casa Bonita to have drinks. I'm really looking forward to it... Korbin is getting sick :( Last year around this time he got bronchitis twice so I think that's what he's getting now. He's really pouty and lovey. Its cute but sad. Jake's doing great... he got to "babysit" a haunted building today while people were doing construction on it. He said it was creepy cuz he kept hearing noises like doors opening and closing and things moving around. He's a nut cuz he volunteered for it. So now I'm gonna brag about my son (cuz he's SO smart!) He's been doing really good about going poo on the big boy potty! He'll go almost every day. He knows sign language for milk, mommy, daddy, baby, friend, more, kiss, and eat. He'll repeat the whole alphabet and the numbers to 10 in english, spanish & french!! To get my attention he'll say MOMMY until I answer him. He tells me to shhhh when he wants to talk to me. He talks so so so much!!! He tells stories and tells us what he sees. He loves talking on the phone. Its so cute cuz he gets the phone and says "Hewwo..... Hey..... Uh doin?". Its so funny.... I love my little bugga.

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